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- Edisherashvili, Tea 1
- Edmunds, Guy 1
- Educational and Research Institute of the Georgian Language 2
- Efie, მარიამ 1
- Egoroff, W.P. 3
- Egorov, V. 1
- Egutia, Marine 1
- Ehrenberg, Ronald G. 1
- Eich, Gunter 1
- Eichenwald, A. 1
- Einstein, Lewis 1
- Eisele, Jörg 1
- Ekole Francaise Marie Brosset 1
- Ekvtime Takaishvili Teaching University 3
- Ekvtime Taqaishvili Georgian Historical Society 1
- Elbakidze, Maka 3
- Elchlepp, Ellen 1
- Elene Akhvlediani house museum 1
- Eliade, Mircea 2
- Eliava, Eka 3