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dc.contributor.advisorRegulska, Joanna-
dc.contributor.authorChkheidze, Ketevan-
dc.description.tableofcontentsAbstract -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Chapter 1: Literature Review -- 1.1. Democratic transition -- 1.2. Women’s political representation -- 1.3. Power and agency -- 1.4. Theorizing state -- 1.5. Citizenship -- 1.6. Conclusion -- Chapter 2: Research Design and Methodology -- 2.1. Grounded theory method -- 2.2. Qualitative research approach - interviews -- 2.3. Sampling -- 2.4. Data collection -- 2.5. Transcribing and analyzing data -- 2.6. Additional data sources -- 2.7. Positionality of a researcher -- 2.8. Conclusion -- Chapter 3: Gendered Transition Democracy -- 3.1. Factors shaping women’s political representation during the time of transition -- 3.2. Gendered transition from socialism to democracy in Georgia: an overview -- 3.3. Women’s political representation in the post-Soviet Georgia -- 3.4. Gender equality policy and institutional mechanisms since independence -- Chapter 4: Women’s Political Representation in the Parliament -- 4.1. The political party as a factor shaping women’s representation -- 4.2. Electoral System -- 4.3. Cultural and psychological factors -- 4.4. Conclusion -- Chapter 5: Being a Woman MP -- 5.1. Decision for becoming MP -- 5.2. Roles, tasks and assignments -- 5.3. Attitudes towards women MPs -- 5.4. Networking – is it happening? -- 5.5. Double burden -- 5.6. Conclusion -- Chapter 6: Women’s Political Representation, Democracy, State and Citizenship -- 6.1. Democracy and women’s political participation -- 6.2. State and Citizenship -- 6.3. Conclusion -- Chapter 7: Overcoming Low Women’s Representation in the Parliament of Georgia -- 7.1. Quota debates? -- 7.2. The role of political parties -- 7.3. The role of women’s NGOs -- 7.4. Coordination -- 7.5. Conclusion -- Conclusion -- Bibliography-
dc.format.extent240 p.en_US
dc.subjectGender studiesen_US
dc.titleWomen’s Political Participation During Democratic Transformation: The Case Of Georgiaen_US
dc.rights.holderსაქართველოს ეროვნული ბიბლიოთეკაen_US
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