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dc.contributor.advisorMacFarlane, Neil-
dc.contributor.authorKhuntsaria, Tamar-
dc.description.tableofcontentsChapter 1: Introduction -- 1.1 Structure and central argument -- 1.2 Theoretical underpinnings, methodology and methods -- 1.3 Different approaches to the study of the EU -- Chapter 2: The EU’s external political impact and promotion of democracy -- 2.1 The EU as an international actor -- 2.2 Theorising the EU’s external political impact mechanisms -- 2.3 International promotion of democratic state-building -- 2.4 Definition of the concepts and constructing hypothesis -- 2.5 Conclusion -- Chapter 3: Overview of the EU-Georgia relations in the prism of democratisation: Early cooperation - Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States (TACIS) to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreements (PCAs) -- 3.1 Launch of diplomatic relations and first programmes -- 3.2 From Technical Assistance to Commonwealthof Independent States (Tacis) to Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA), 1992-2003 -- 3.3 Assistance provided to Georgia byother major donors during 1992-2003 -- 3.4 The state of democracy in Georgia during Tacis and PCA operation -- 3.5 Conclusion -- Chapter 4: Overview of the EU-Georgia relations in the prism of democratisation: The EU in Georgia after the eastern enlargement and the ‘rose revolution’ -- 4.1 Introduction of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and Action Plan (AP) -- 4.2 Assistance provided to Georgia by other major donors during 2004 – 2008 -- 4.3 The state of democracy in Georgiasince the ‘rose revolution’, 2004-2008 -- 4.4 Conclusion -- Chapter 5: Overview of the EU-Georgia relations in the prism of democratisation: The EU in Georgia after the launch of the Eastern Partnership -- 5.1 Period covering 2010-2013 years: Cooperation in the framework of Eastern Partnership -- 5.2 Assistance provided to Georgia by other major donors during 2010-2013 -- 5.3 The state of democracy in Georgia since Eastern Partnership -- 5.4 Conclusion -- Chapter 6: Conclusion -- Appendices -- Bibliography-
dc.format.extent216 p.en_US
dc.subjectPolitical Scienceen_US
dc.titleExternal Democracy Promoting in Georgia : The Role of the European Unionen_US
dc.rights.holderსაქართველოს ეროვნული ბიბლიოთეკაen_US
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